Hoy por fín nos hemos juntado los cuatro para enseñarnos nuestras ideas y proyectos de cara al GD 2011 en Madrid.
Lugar de encuentro: La madriguera de Jonny. Y porqué madriguera? Porque estabamos rodeados de todo tipo de animales que nos iran viendo evolucionar nuestras cosillas. Entre todos ellos se encontraba este raro espécimen que se hace llamar Juanma...
Bromas a parte, ya hemos podido ver algunas cosillas bastante avanzadas para las fechas que son, otras buenas ideas que están en mente o semiproyectadas, en definitiva, le estamos poniendo muchas ganas e ilusión a todo esto y más que nada nos estamos divirtiendo que es lo importante.
Fran está muy relajado, de momento sólo tiene pensado ir a una categoría y la tiene bastante avanzada.
Juanma tiene una mini dificil entre manos, sobre todo para sacarle partido, pero ya iremos viendo los avances. Ahora le toca documentación y buscar algo de inspiración.
Johnny va a machete! Tiene pensado ir con varias cosas y por lo que hemos podido comprobar, con muy buenas ideas, a ver con que nos sorprende en próximas quedadas.
Por mi parte pues también tengo la intención de presentar varias cosas. Tengo algún que otro dilema con alguna de las categorias y en otras las ideas las tengo bastante claras, las críticas y consejos de mis compañeros me han ayudado bastante, asique nada, a seguir!
Por último cuelgo un video de la quedada, espero que os guste! Un Saludo!!
Today at last we have come together four to show us our ideas and projects facing the GD 2011 in Madrid.
Meeting place: The Johnny burrow. And why burrow? Because we were surrounded by all kinds of animals that we will go see evolve our stuff. Among them was this rare specimen who calls Juanma ...
Meeting place: The Johnny burrow. And why burrow? Because we were surrounded by all kinds of animals that we will go see evolve our stuff. Among them was this rare specimen who calls Juanma ...
Jokes aside, we have already seen some things quite advanced for the dates that are other good ideas in mind or Semi-projective, in short, we are putting a lot of enthusiasm and excitement of it all and most of all we are enjoying it is the most important thing in all this.
Fran is very relaxed at the moment is only considering a category and is quite advanced.
Juanma has a hard miniature in hands, especially to make the most, but we will see progress. Now is time for documentation and find some inspiration.
Johnny is a machete! It has several things going and what we have seen, with very good ideas. What surprised us in future meetups?
For my part, I have the intention to present various things. I have a dilemma with some of the categories and other ideas I have them very clear, the critics and advice from my teammates have helped a lot, so let`s go!
Finally hang a video of the stay, hoping that you like! Bye!
Juanma has a hard miniature in hands, especially to make the most, but we will see progress. Now is time for documentation and find some inspiration.
Johnny is a machete! It has several things going and what we have seen, with very good ideas. What surprised us in future meetups?
For my part, I have the intention to present various things. I have a dilemma with some of the categories and other ideas I have them very clear, the critics and advice from my teammates have helped a lot, so let`s go!
Finally hang a video of the stay, hoping that you like! Bye!